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[fruitful_tab title=”Generally”]
We do not always know what causes the cup to flow over. And when it’s gone too far is the road
back often long, laborious and costly. The solution is to stay up on time and strengthen ours
defense. One step in it is to become aware of what one faces by reading about them
different states, fatigue depression and fatigue syndrome.
[fruitful_tab title=”Expiry- in any way”]
Most people today say “burned out”, but nowadays, they differ in fatigue depression and fatigue syndrome. The differences are important, as the conditions may require different types of treatment.
[fruitful_tab title=”Burnout”]
Exhaustion depression is a depression triggered by stress. The permission does not always have to be directly linked to external factors such as the job. The person who suffers has often been in the past, perhaps in the teens being depressed. The majority of people diagnosed with fatigue depression meet the criteria for actual depression DSM-IV.
You often treat fatigue depression with physical activity, call therapy (cognitive therapy KT or cognitive behavioral therapy KBT) or antidepressant drugs. Relaxation, meditation and stress management provide good results many times. Often, treatment options are given in combination and based on individual needs.
[fruitful_tab title=”Symptom expression depression”]
· Emotional fatigue: Anxious, crying, legal, decreased compassion, Feeling no joy and satisfaction in the same way as before
· Intellectual fatigue: Lack of involvement, negative attitude, concentration disorder
· Physical fatigue: sleep discomfort, headache, pain and aching in the body, dizziness, perceptual perplexity
· Self-accidents, anxiety, anxiety and suicidal thoughts
· Aptitis and weight loss
A depressed person usually has no confidence in being able to influence his situation, avoids dealing with problems, has high demands on himself, can not say no, and has difficulty delegating work to others.
[fruitful_tab title=”Fatigue syndrome”]
The mechanisms behind fatigue syndrome have been called “brain stress” in people’s mind, and although the term is as confusing and as bad as the foolishness of scientists, the term “burnout” still expresses a certain popular wisdom.
Stress itself is not negative to man. Most manage to handle a certain level of stress, so-called positive stress. When there is an imbalance in the experience between stresses that are exposed to and the resources available to cope with the stresses, negative stress. When the balance between negative stress and lack of opportunity for recovery does not work for a long time, the body begins to send out bodily signals that the stress level is too high. Many can then react by striving even harder, some suppressing their own needs and feelings, even though the signs that the energy has come to an end is quite obvious. For some, the situation is so stubborn that no change feels feasible despite superhuman efforts. What then can happen is that the organism is no longer able
to compensate for the extraordinary efforts, and then a more or less serious disease condition may occur – one gets exhausted. Exhaustion leads to both physical and mental body symptoms.
[fruitful_tab title=”Symptoms – exposure syndrome”]
In fatigue, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and physiological functions are attacked..
Cognitive symptoms
· Memory disorder
· Severe concentration problems
· Inability to think clearly
· Low stress tolerance
· Hypersensitivity to noise, light, smell
· “Tunnelingende”
Somatic symptoms
· Fatigue / fatigue that can not be rested
· Difficulty in sleeping
· Increased infection sensitivity
· Increased pain sensitivity
· Muscular problems
· Gastrointestinal problems
· Sensitivity
· Humility
The treatment of fatigue syndrome is individual and adapted to the patient’s discomfort.
It is common for treatment and rehabilitation to include:
· Information and training in how stress affects body and psyche.
· Lifestyle counseling and methods to reduce daily stress, such as exercise, relaxation exercises and sleep information and how to work with sleep.
· Body awareness training. The goal of physical education is that the individual gets insight into how the body and soul are associated with each other; they learn both to listen to the body’s warning signals and to handle them in good time. Basic body awareness as a method focuses on the individual’s health resources: it restores lost resources and enables constructive use of them. Breathing and mental presence are central to body-knowledge therapy. Recovery is key to rehabilitation. Learning to use their internal resources is necessary for recovery.
· Call therapy, cognitive therapy (KT) or cognitive behavioral therapy (KBT) with, for example, a psychologist, curator, occupational therapist or nurse.
· Stress management individually or in groups, often with elements of so-called mindfulness training.
· Work-oriented rehabilitation
· Physical Therapy
Sometimes drug treatment is needed for example cardiac arrest, sleep disturbance, anxiety or depression.
Patients receive treatment at the health center or through the occupational health services. Need more specialized help you can get it at open psychiatric receptions or special stress clinics.
[fruitful_tab title=”Causes to exposure”]
There are several reasons for stress. It can be a reaction of a combination of long-term stress in privacy and working life without the possibility of recovery. It can also be a reaction to a sudden major change in life.
Individual stress sensitivity plays a major part in how we handle the stresses we face. As an individual factor, sleep deprivation seems to be the most important in the process, often because of this. worries about tomorrow. Normal sleep is 8 hours even if you can manage 6-7 hours of sleep for long periods of time.
Generally, all we experience is physically / physiologically equivalent to correlation, more in some and less in othersa.
Individual stressors are workload, degree of self-control over the situation, degree of reward / feedback, interaction / potential conflicts with other frequent and demanding relationships with other people, if the requirements of the work are related to their own skills and given resources, the sense of being fair / unfairly treated, the feeling as to whether or not their own requirements and feelings regarding performance performance match or conflict with environment requirements. Gorgeous social networking. A sense of being infected is sometimes a key factor in the development of disease. Sometimes bullying in the workplace. Greater risk of self-esteem’s ill health is based on your own achievements. The overall picture of traumatic life events in the individual-ever since childhood-has a clear meaning; An easily triggered stress / cortisol boost may occur as a result of childhood trauma.
General stressors are the peculiarities of our time with stimulantorms, rapid pace of change with, among other things, reduced overview and structure (reorganization!). Cuts and rationalizations at workplaces. Requirements to be updated on the latest.
Medical stress mechanisms:In the first place an imbalance occurs in the autonomic nervous system with a relative obesity for sympathetic. Symptoms are often related to this mechanism. Small amounts of hormone shakes occur, among other things. HPA axis with initially rising and then gradually decreasing levels of cortisol; stress regulators are “exhausted”. The condition can persist in many years after the “recovery”. Growth and sex hormones often decrease. Stage elevated cortisol levels in prolonged stress are associated with neurodegenerative changes with volume reduction in hippocampus and frontal cerebral areas. Hippocampus regulates memory.
[fruitful_tab title=”When to contact the world?”]
If you suspect that you have or are having fatigue syndrome – fatigue depression, contact the healthcare center or your occupational healthcare.
You can always call and get medical advice on phone number 1177.